
What is Love?
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"We have like 3 test tomorrow. ALREADY! Can’t they give us a break knowing we just came back from a break?" Kyoungsoo sighs like the world had ended and looks at her. "Aren't you glad that you did not take up philosophy?"

The summer break just flew by making her feel as though she blinked and it had passed by.

"Right now, yes." Kina replies, her eyes roaming their hall. There were some minutes before class begins and they were passing around some chit-chat. "But I was sorry that I couldn't take up philosophy."

"Yeah yeah... Smart ." He rolls his huge eyes while frowning even deeper. Kina simply shrugs.

"Guess what?" Kina put her arm on his slouched shoulders. Kyoungsoo paused in his misery and looks at her with one eyebrow up. "I bought lunch."

That seemed to do the trick of putting his mind at ease. Both his eyebrows shot up.

"Like legit home-made stuff?"

"Yes, legit home food." Kina confirms, nodding solemnly and arranging the pot of aloe Vera in her desk.

Kyoungsoo gives a tight squishy smile before clenching his fist together, punched the air mouthing a 'yessss!!'

"I'm so, so tired of dorm food already. I was already missing home food!" He laments a moment later. "Also this will be the first time I'll taste your food. I pray it's edible."

Kina brings her arm down and knocks his head instead. "It'll break your idiocy at least."

"There's nothing that can break that." Kim Jimin, the foodie casually comments not even looking away from her phone. She wasn't even in the conversation because she had been watching a mukbang video and munching on fruit jellies.

"True that sista." Kim Soomi, chewing on her gum and watching a make-up tutorial.

Before Kyoungsoo could retort, their suave professor walks in.

"Good MORNING! How are you people? Did you all have a good break?" He booms out, his pearly white teeth out as usual. There were choruses of yes’s and no’s and other excited noises. Soomi sighs somewhere and Kina was sure many others as well... But she couldn't really blame them. This professor was a serious looker. A good looking man with a good, respected job was obviously very attractive but if she were to choose... Kim Jongin was far too... perfect.

He was perfectly stylish, perfectly sociable, perfectly prepared with his notes and lectures and just... perfect. That, for some reason turns her off.

Today he was dressed in all new clothes and obviously looked dapper. Speaking of clothes, a sudden realisation dawned on her. Sehun did not really have many clothes... did he? He wasn't the most stylish guy... although even a sack will look good on him. She’s never been inside his closet but she had a fair idea what would be in there. A bunch of formal shirts, probably some suits, a good bunch of jumpers and pants… One jean? Some tees-

"Miss Kina Lee?" Her name pointed out made her break out of her reverie. Oh plastic cover in buns! What was he talking about?

"Yes… sir?" She made her voice steady.

"Don't dream off." He chuckles, "I'll think I am such a boring person."

"Aaa... hahaha..." Kina forces out a laughter. Now another reason she was not a huge fan of him was his dry humour. "I'm sorry sir."

"It's okay... okay..." He swats the air as though she send him some poisonous fumes. "Just don't dream off again."

And that he thinks he was such a cool professor. Or in other words, he tries too hard.

"Now... Like I was saying I am very impressed with some of your assignments especially of Lucas, Seohyun and Kina. I especially liked the way the three of you have put out your thoughts. Although I may not agree on everything you presented, I'm impressed by your outlook. Most of you seem to surpass your seniors' level of thinking."

Kina let her genuine smile out at that. Who doesn’t like praises anyway? She had worked last minute for that assignment and it was honestly a sacrifice but that doesn't mean she did not prepare. She had been researching and processing her thoughts from the moment their professor had announced it, before taking it out on her paper. It looks like it paid off.




Jongin was always really invested in the lives of his students yet he supposes he was yet to encounter anyone so interesting.

This girl was problematic and yet so brilliant that he couldn't possibly be mad at her. Problematic in a sense she was weird… and that she caught his attention more than what should be normal. Now it was not like he liked her romantically or feel anything for this girl, it was just that she was so… fascinating it made him want to know her.

Students, mostly girls have done ridiculous things in classroom to gain his attention and it works yet the attention they receive isn't really the one they were looking for. But, Jongin suppose... every once in a while, a wildcard appears making you face totally unexpected situations.

The first time he noticed Kina was probably the second class where she had a carrot stick hanging between her teeth while typing away notes in her laptop with vigour and that wasn't all, she offered that carrot sticks to him when she noticed him watching. Now who on earth will do that?

And then she gathered her army of eating inside the class and even sharing it with the professors and the funniest thing was that he would never catch her red-handed. They were eating inside, he knew it but they weren’t open about it unless it was a free class or the lectures were over. Once lecturers were over people usually move out so that was when they would lay out their food and usually they were all fruits and vegetables.

He had been tempted into it as well because she would always sit in the front where he had easy access. Once the lectures were done, she would lay out the food and offer him and he would shamelessly take it and eat it.

"I thought we could eat here in your office." Sehun breaks his train of thought as he walks in with his hands clutching what probably was a lunch box.

His eyebrows shot up without him even noticing. Now he knows very well that Sehun ate anything that was food but he did not expect the woman who stole his best friend to be spoiling him so much.

"Then what about me?" He asks, pouting as hard as he could. Sehun, of course rolled his eyes.

"There's enough in here for the two of us. She knows we eat together."

Slamming shut Kina's assignment; he rubs his hands as he approached Sehun and the box baring his teeth in a mean smirk.

"What's in there? Don't wait. Let's eat." His smirk still very haughty. "Let's see who cooks better between us."

Sehun sighs as he sat down, his face annoyed. Jongin was a decent cook and one of his hobby was to whip out good meals so obviously he was going to judge her Gordan Ramsay style. "Stop being dramatic for once and eat it. She cooks really well."

Looking solemn, Sehun carefully opens the 3 tier lunch box. Jongin meanwhile tapped his foot impatiently.

"Waaahhh!" Even Jongin couldn't keep the supposedly unimpressed face that he had planned to keep when Sehun opened the first box. It was honestly a beautiful layout of food of all varieties that he couldn't help but salivate at the sight of it.

The second had rice in it, truly said enough for the two of them and the third was probably the desert... and yet it looked so similar that Jongin had to tilt his head to remember where he's seen someone who cuts their fruit like that. It had variety of fruits ranging from berries to pineapples. Honestly... amazing.

"Now I want a wife." Jongin confess without even thinking. Sehun smiles smugly at that making Jongin want to smack the out of him.

"Let's eat." Sehun states with another smug look, while checking the lunch box for the cutlery. "She even packed for you."

Excitedly Jongin snatched his chopsticks and spoon and dived into the fried shrimp.

"MMmmm! I think I love her already." He announces, munching with vivacity. "It's delicious!"

Sehun takes a bite and smiles. "I'll let her know."

"That… was amazing..." Jongin pats his stomach with satisfaction.  Somehow the food was so good it had made him forgot how to talk resulting in this lunch being one of the quietest he had ever had. "You gotta let me meet her... at least to eat her cooking. Man! Now I know why you keep her all to yourself."

He leans forward and takes a slice of yellow peach. But before he takes a bite, he is reminded of the time Kina handed him a stick to eat it.

"Oh..." He smiled a little. "That was what..."

"That was what, what?" Sehun swallowed his fruit and takes another one.

"Since when did you start eating fruits? You did not even eat when I force fed you." He complains, feeling very bitter at the change that was dawning on his best friend.

Sehun rolls his eyes and continue to eat his slice of apple.

"You know a funny thing?" Jongin smiles looking at another piece of peach. This fruit really reminded him of her... she most probably eat this every day.

"There's a student in my class

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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979 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
979 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
979 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
979 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
979 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.